Thursday, September 4, 2008

Blessings in the Form of People

Just in one day, I have had the distinct gift of intersecting the lives of several people. Some I will see again soon, some in a few months, and some never again. For today though, I would like to thank those who made today a little better:
  • Dude at Staples who cheerfully helped me locate a portable hard drive.
  • Weigh-in lady at Weight Watchers who said all the right things, despite my rather dismal weigh-in.
  • Curves ladies who are so encouraging and fun to be around.
  • Starbucks dude at Target who "mixed a little too much" and gave me the next size up.
  • Target clerk who opened a checkout just for me.
  • Lawn mower man who makes my lawn look nice again.
  • Rebekah, who always listens and knows what to say.
  • Marilyn, who is always good for a giggle.
  • Kay, who knows when to call and make plans.
  • My family, who touches base from hither and yon on a daily basis
"I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again" William Penn

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