Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Lovely Afternoon Stroll

The weather in Nashville has been terrific. It's cooled off a bit, and a breeze wafts through every now and then. In other words, an excellent day for a walk.

Steve took his car in for routine maintenance this morning before heading for Detroit. I planned to pick it up when it was ready. The bright idea came to me - why not walk from my house to downtown and pick it up? After all, I pay money to walk for 13.1 miles for no apparent reason, so why not walk a few for a reason?

All in all, it went pretty well. The first part was on a busy two-lane street with no sidewalks. I'm sure I was called a few colorful names by the drivers I faced. But the next street provided safer sidewalks. I walked on streets that I only cover during Nashville's half marathon, and as I was walking through the Vandy campus, I came upon the scene of an 8-firetruck fire. After about 90 minutes, I was in Steve's car headed for home.

I enjoyed my walk. It was nice to get out and stroll, looking at the scenery that surrounded me. Usually when I wog, I have a training agenda (at least in theory). But today I just walked and enjoyed. It's something I need to do more often, because there's so much in this world to stop and enjoy.

Walking simply to breathe in the life around me. What an excellent idea!

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