Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Tonight I began meeting with a group of women, all strangers to each other before tonight. We're meeting to share ideas, thoughts, and experiences about relationships. In the course of tonight's meeting, we began forming relationships within the group as we opened the doors to our individual lives and began to share with each other. It was a wonderful way to spend a few hours.

In my 50 years, I've been a part of many groups. There have been social groups, professional groups, focus groups, educational groups, and parent groups. There have been groups of friends and groups of strangers. There have been large groups and small groups. There have been fun groups and work groups. While each group has had its unique purpose, each has been a source of community and security.

These days there's a new kind of group that is finding its way into my life - the cyber group. This is a group of people who live all over the world, but with whom I find commonalities. There are Disney groups and mom groups. There are running groups and weight-watching groups. There are many groups with a variety of purposes just waiting for another kindred spirit to join.

For me, the joy and blessings of any group are the people I get to meet. I am forever changed because of the way their lives intersect mine. While I may lose weight, I will remember the lady on the back row sitting with her son and will be encouraged because of her commitment. When I think of the bus of fellow Disney cruisers as we toured the slums of Mexico, I will remember the lady and her disabled husband as the tour guide ran off without them and I will practice compassion. While I sit in on a discussion board on the 'net, I will make a note to remember the first-time marathoner and look for her in the race to encourage her efforts. After all, it's people who make up the group, not just the purpose.

Groups provide me with new friends, new knowledge, and new experiences. They help make a very large world just a little smaller and more intimate. It's a great way to spend a few hours.

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