Monday, June 30, 2008

Watch That Last Step - It's A Doozy!

Especially if you miss it altogether.

This morning as I was walking down the stairs in my house, carrying a glass of juice and other assorted items, I somehow bypassed the last step, sending myself sprawling to the ground. It was a lovely experience and sight.

After five minutes of writhing on the floor, I managed to get up, clean up the juice that had flown across the room, and pick up the assorted items that had landed here and there. I did get an xray which revealed nothing broken. But I really twisted the boo-jeebers out if it.

So, what's the lesson learned here? Watch when you think you're taking the final step - you may miss one that will really mess up your journey. Use a sippy cup - when you do fall, at least the juice will be still in the cup. Have a one-level house - or an elevator. Don't decide to give up playing computer games the day before you sprain your ankle and have to sit around all day - otherwise you'll be google-ing more stuff than you ever imagined.

In the end, I survived the fall, I played no computer games, and my ankle is turning lovely shades of purple (magnified due to the swelling). I guess we can call it a good day!

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