Friday, September 28, 2012


Disney World offers a plethora of opportunities for judgement by me and my lofty standards.  Never mind the fact that my hair looks like I styled it with an electric mixer, or that my clothes weren't in style when they were new, or even the idea that the sum of my ensemble should never even be attempted by a person of my age and body type.  In spite of all these factors, I still manage to pass judgement on any person that happens to cross my path.

These actions do not make me proud.  Finally today I finally got it, and I hope I am on my way to curing my judgmental ways.  Twice today I started forming opinions about people and families that I noticed around the park.  But I quickly stopped and considered the reasons their situations might have incurred my thoughts.  I realized that their true circumstances didn't warrant my ridiculous opinions - they deserved my consideration and understanding.  Period.

It's time to take a page from the one ride that pounds it in your ears -

"It's a world of laughter, a world of tears;
It's a world of hopes and a world of fears.
There's so much that we share, that it's time we're aware -
It's a small world after all.
There is just one moon and one golden sun,
And a smile means friendship to everyone.
Though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide,
It's a small world after all."

The Good Stuff From Today:  MK with Lindley and Hayes and their entourage; eating in the countries with Mathieu, Maribeth, Molly, Everley, and Elaine; visiting with Elaine; dinner dogs with Molly, Everley, and Steve; Lindley time in our room; expo shopping with Molly

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