Friday, July 23, 2010

It Just Ain't There

This would be me, searching for something to write about. I'm just not finding anything.

Sure, Karen and I fudged a bit on the reps for butt camp torture this morning. But that's our issue because we figured staying conscious was better than having Josh call 911.

Sure, Rambo brought a dead bunny to Molly - in her bed. But that's Rambo and Molly's issue because he got a haircut and she has no kitchen to cook his offering.

Sure, there's a big consignment sale tomorrow, but since we just found out about it this afternoon, Lynnette didn't get a first-time-mommy pre-sale ticket. That's Lindley and Lynnette's issue when Lindley finds out she missed out on the good stuff.

Sure, I had my feet reflexologized for an hour. Ahh, now that was good stuff. But other than that, it's been a regular Friday. On to Saturday's adventures!
Things that make today great: Friday boot camp; reflexology with John at Massage Envy; Red Lobster lunch with Molly; playtime with Molly, Lynnette, and Molly; Rambo's new haircut

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