Monday, January 13, 2014

Hey Luanne, Now That You've Done 48.6 Miles in 4 Days, What Are You Going To Do?

I'm going to Disney World!!   Wait - I'm AT Disney World ...

So this morning after waking up at 3:00am (a habit after four days), I surfed the internet then went back to bed as Steve went off to play golf.  Then I started packing up (we're going back home tomorrow) which was the usual hassle -  with the addition of six race shirts and medals and the obligatory Disney stuff, I always end up with more than I brought.  Especially when you factor in all the stuff that Molly couldn't take back with her.

Anyhow, after a nap (or two), I decided to go for a soak in the hot tub by the pool.  Where I heard some stimulating conversation between a middle-aged woman and a boy/man whom I'm hoping was her son.  First they were discussing how China had relaxed the "one child" policy and now they would be "reproducing like rabbits."  From there the conversation went to India and Africa and how they should institute a one-child policy there because they have no jobs there and too many people.  They then started talking about getting jobs and social security and so on.  I decided I had had enough and got out to go dry off. 

After my brain stopped pounding, I returned to the room and cleaned up and took the boat to Downtown Disney - to get a few more things.  Steve finished golf and returned to the room, where I eventually returned.  Now it's time to finished packing up and say good-bye to Disney - at least for a while!
Today was a great day because:  I didn't have to get up at 3am to go out for a race; got several tasks completed; interesting hot tub session; nice cast member dude at World of Disney

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