Thursday, February 18, 2016

We're At Disney World!!

Molly and I got up early for the butt-crack early flight to Orlando. It was a quick and smooth flight, even though we were a bit tardy in leaving. Katie arrived a little before we did, so we nabbed her on the way to pick up the car. We stopped for brunch and then headed to the race expo and joined the madness there.

We decided to shop at the outlets for a bit, still waiting for our room to be ready. It eventually was, and we found out that only one of our magic bands worked - Nancy's, who wasn't even coming this weekend. We left to pick up Marilyn and returned to the resort where we took our magic bands to the front desk to get fixed and ended up leaving them. We ate a bite at Shake Shack and then went to pick up KB.

Once everyone was back at the room, we waited for our magic bands to get fixed - they were supposed to call us. After about an hour of no call, Marilyn and I decided to walk to the office to get them. And they were fixed - well, everyone's but mine. Luckily I had a hard ticket for my park pass and Nancy's band to get in the room, so I decided to let it go for now. After all, we're at Disney World!!

Packed and ready! One can never overestimate
the value in choosing the correct suitcase.
Flying over the clouds is pretty. And sometimes a little rumply.
But it's better than flying through them.
I see the Contemporary Resort!!  And Space Mountain!!
I'll be wogging that way in a few days!!
Brunch at KeKe's. Because our room isn't ready yet.
Thankful today for: safe, smooth ride to Orlando; brunch with Katie and Molly at KeKe's; nice rental car with plenty of room; picking up Marilyn and KB at the airport; Shake Shack and Publix with the girls; magic band fixes

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