Friday, August 8, 2014


Yes, it's that "once in a blue moon but we really had one last spring but we're never having another one" Yard Sale Eve.  If the actual yard sale day is horrendous, then the day before is horrendouser (yes, it's so bad that it merits its own word).  It is a day full of regret that you ever decided to have a yard sale (which you've actually regretted since the words "let's have a yard sale" actually left your lips).

Anyhow, the big event is the delivery of the tables (because you sold any tables that you personally owned in the last yard sale). We rented some from a local place, but they were swamped and couldn't deliver them, so we had to come up with an alternate plan, since my baby Prius C has barely enough room for a TV table and Steve's tank car was in Columbus. Fortunately, Molly's friend Ashley (whose last day on her job was Wednesday and so now has some free time) had a truck and volunteered (sort of, at least once she was begged) to pick up the tables.

The table contract lists all the penalties that could result in added costs for the tables.  One is rain.  Which of course is predicted for all day today.  However, the rain held off, and Ashley's truck has a camper on the back, so all is good. So unfortunately yippee - the tables arrived!!

Now came the really yucko part - the putting out of all the crap treasures that you've been collecting over the past few months (and that your family and friends have been dumping at your house during the same time). Somehow everything in the boxes (and in the sunroom and in life) multiplied, resulting in tens of millions of things.  To put out and price.  Yuck, yuck, and more yuck.  Our Udderly Pink Team was amazing, coming in shifts so that nobody went completely crazy or passed out from heatstroke (did I mention it was balls hot today).

Anyhow, eventually everything was put on a table and priced, ready for the big event tomorrow.

yay. i'm so exited ...
Today was a great day because:  Safe travel home for GDiz and Steve; Ashley delivering the yard sale tables; hard work by Sharon, KB, Molly, Nan, and Lynnette to get ready for the yard sale; sleepover with Everley

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