Sunday, August 3, 2014

Udderly Pink - On The Move

Today Udderly Pink completed another training walk. Sure, it was not nearly enough mileage. But at least we got out on the street.   Does that mean we're street walkers??

The famous Tootsies.  Isn't open at 7am.
The Fitty-What? team and their caretaker.
The Rent-A-Bicycle place.  Which we considered for about 45 seconds.  Until we figured out
(a) several of us hadn't ridden a bicycle in decades, and
(b) the first mile back would be straight uphill.
We may be old, but we is smart.
Molly's friend Ashley joined us.  She isn't on the team, but walks with us anyway.

Today was a great day because:  Seven miles and breakfast with the Udderly Pink team; Lindley and Everley time; Molly and Sam taking care of McAllister dinner

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