Monday, August 4, 2014

My Kind Of Glass Slippers ...

Yes, Cinderella had her glass slippers. Thanks to my sister Marilyn, I now have my own set, or at least the kind of glass slippers that suit this princess! For my birthday, she found somebody who decorates Toms shoes.  In this case, they're Disney Cruise Line inspired.  I can't wait to wear them in a few weeks.  When I might be going on a Disney cruise ...  Somewhere ...

The good news is that I don't have to be in by midnight!

Today was a great day because:  Everley spending the night; picking up Lindley and Everley from school, having some L&E time, and then taking them home; a slow two miles with Molly and Rambo


Marilyn said...

Glad they are a hit! I sent a link to your blog to the artist so you may hear from her!

Denise in PA said...

OMG, these are amazing!! That is all. o:)

Unknown said...

Enjoy your birthday I hope it's magical