Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Cat's Tail Tale

So I was driving into the carport today, and I felt the car roll over something.  Not like a cat body, but definitely something.  Like a water hose.  Or something like that.  But there was no loud screaming or noises, so I really wasn't sure what happened.

I got out of the car and looked around and under the car.  I saw nothing.  But then I did see Minnie the Cat run out of the carport and around the side of the house.  And today, when I drove into the carport, Minnie jumped up from her usual "act like a dead cat" position on the floor of the carport and ran toward the back yard.

"Does my tail look crooked to you?"

So the mystery is, did I run over Minnie's tail?  She's not telling, and I guess I won't either!!
Today was a great day because:  several projects nearing completion; taking Everley to school and picking up Everley and Lindley; family dinner at the Doik; future girls cruise planned

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