Monday, September 21, 2015


Rambo, wagging his tail
Today I was in charge of going to Molly's and walking Rambo. Molly was busy all day, and since Rambo has not been obedient about not climbing out of his fence, someone needed to go and let Rambo out to "do his bizness."  I decided to attempt to get a bit of exercise (if you count ambling along as exercise), so I walked over to Molly's house (she lives about 1.5 miles from my house), visited with Rambo and the cat, and walked back.

I guess it's a good way to start the week. And maybe get a few calories burned, and maybe store some burned calories in reserve for the weekend. Did I mention that I'm headed south for the Food and Wine Festival at you-know-where this weekend?
Thankful today for: early morning Molly visit; getting my steps in by walking to Molly's and walking Rambo; watching Lynnette's continued progress on her table; spaghetti dinner with Everley; chatting with neighbor Carla

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