Wednesday, October 15, 2014


So going through pictures has created two dilemmas:

1) Should I cut my hair? As in short? But how short? Shorty-short? I have pictures of every sort of hair I've worn. Short, long, medium, curly, straight, colored, streaked, regular. Some I like and some I do not like. Since I do not have a miracle-worker of a regular hairdo person, I am pretty much on my own. Which is not such a good place to be.

2) What should I do with all these photos? Those that are stored are on my computer, that is. I have bagillions more that are stored in boxes, but those can certainly wait for another time. Should I attempt to organize the ones on the computer? And should I organize them all? Even the ones that are pictures of next-to-nothing? What if I need them one day?  How should I organize them?

Yeah, I know with everything that is going on in the world, hairdos and photographs seem pretty darn trivial, and they are.  But at least it got me out of clearing off my desk and filing coupons and paying bills and stuff.

Meanwhile, the hairdo and photograph dilemmas still go on in my head ...
Today is a gift because: Bus duty for Everley; spending time with GDizzle; Wal-Mart shopping

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